Monday, 15 June 2009

Smart Surfaces and Homes

Hello everyone we expect you have a wonderful week full of creativity and creation. The idea behind research, innovation and invention rests in improving human living. An invention outlasts its utility if it does not meet a necessity to be paired with. A lot of research do not have actual application in the near future, but in the time being, we may find some practical use to it. Intelligent systems and interactive systems function should be to enhance and facilitate human interaction within an specific space, here in Hashimoto Laboratory that is our main goal.

All across the world different companies are trying to achieve this as well, we present today a couple of efforts from the likes of Microsoft and Asus to create an Environment that can interact and help the user to take the right decisions, or simply to avoid the user from making some mistake.

Microsoft system is what we would call a smart house, where the user can actually interact with every room, obtaining information that may be of use for the correct function of the house, or maybe even only something for bare entertainment. Asus shows us a table that in Microsoft's fashion, gives us a set of options and information for devices and objects directly in contact with the surface.


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